To Blossom


Thrive Dance SK is proud to provide dancers registered in Season-long Dance Classes an additional opportunity to blossom and perform on stage outside of their weekly classes. These classes are a great option for students who wish to push themselves further and grow technically and physically.

Additional Competitive Classes

Solo, Duet, Trio, Plus Classes (SDTs+) are for dancers who are self-disciplined and self-motivated. These classes are scheduled outside of weekly group dance class time and are typically learned during the off-season months (June-August). Students can participate individually, in a duet/trio, or a separate group with their peers in addition to group dances that attend the competitions as long as they are registered in that specific style of dance in a season-long class. All dancers are encouraged to participate in Solo, Duet, Trio, Plus (SDTs+) classes. It is encouraged that dancers have danced for a minimum of 2 years before taking a SDTs+ Class to ensure they are familiar with learning and performing routines.

Note: Thrive Dance SK does not assume a dancer’s interest in SDTs+ (including repeat SDTs+) dances. Registration must be completed in full for each dancing season. All students are required to follow the outline of the  Solo, Duet, Trio, Plus Dance (SDTs+) (including Repeat SDTs+) Agreement + Fees & Cancellation Policies.

Registration opens May 17, 2024, and closes June 30, 2024.

Performance Dance Classes

FUSION Classes: Thrive FUSION (Hip Hop & Choreo Performance Team) is for dancers ages 12+ looking to enhance their performance skills and dedicate themselves to a higher standard of dance at a competitive level. 

FUSION dancers are committed to FUSION as a competitive dance, which includes full commitment to the group, dance and prioritizing FUSION over other commitments out of respect for their team. 

Dancers younger than age 12 who show strength in their skills and abilities may be invited to compete with the performance team. 

Please Note: All dancers in the performance team are required to follow the outline of the Thrive FUSION Hip Hop & Choreo Performance Team Agreement + Fees & Refunds Policies (See Appendix 2).

Special Events: Thrive Dance SK is often asked to perform at community events and we aim to accommodate as many requests as we can. Dancers may be asked to perform at events on a case-by-case basis. Regular events may include community groups, festivals, multicultural celebrations etc. These are great opportunities for our dancers to get extra time in front of an audience and build some confidence.