THrive FUsion Hip Hop & Choreo Performance Team


Thrive FUSION classes are for dancers ready to take dance to the next level!

Beginning in 2022, Thrive FUSION was created in a desire to have a large group of multiple age groups of dancers at Thrive dance together with extra dedication, determination and time to be the best dancers we could be and showcase our love for dance on stage through performance and competitions.

Thrive FUSION (Hip Hop & Choreo Performance Team) is for dancers ages 12+ looking to enhance their performance skills and dedicate themselves to a higher standard of dance at a competitive level. 

FUSION dancers are committed to FUSION as a competitive dance, which includes full commitment to the group, dance and prioritizing FUSION over other commitments out of respect for their team. 

Dancers younger than age 12 who show strength in their skills and abilities may be invited to compete with the performance team. 

Please Note: All dancers in the performance team are required to follow the outline of the Thrive FUSION Hip Hop & Choreo Performance Team Agreement + Fees & Refunds Policies (See Appendix 2).

Ready to register? Registration for FUSION Classes can be found in the same place as Classes in Bloom!